This series features a variety of personal work, not exclusive to one kind of medium, demonstrating further examples of design work, print and illustration, through personal passions and playful exercises.  

PokéFan Merch

Designed Pokémon heart patches to embroider on sweatshirts for personal gifts. Created original concept illustrations by hand, refining as vector graphics for final file delivery in collaboration with a local embroidery studio in Seattle.

Rusnak ReunionMerchandise

Formatted a t-shirt design with an original accompanying illustration for the 75th, “Diamond Anniversary” of the annual Rusnak Family Reunion held at Harvey’s Lake, Pennsylvania. The design features the iconic lake front with a picnic table—where most activities during the reunion are held—as a hero graphic in royal blue.

Senior Design Thesis

Co-lead the facilitation, operations, and development of a visual brand for Passionfruit, an online pop-up for the University of Washington’s 2020 Design Showcase. This project curated merchandise resulting from students’ theses and personal works, raising donations for non-profit and Black activist organizations, including the Inneract Project. 

Loose Lips
Senior Design Thesis 

Designed a riso-printed magazine of compiled scripts from 15, one-hour interviews, 400 anonymous survey respondents, and community submitted artwork, poetry, and written work, regarding the unspoken complications of gynecological anatomy and pleasure. Loose Lips sold over 60 copies during the University of Washington’s 2020 Design Showcase, raising $500 for the Trans Women of Color Collective. 

Running On Empty
Infographic Poster

An informational editorial poster—to be included in Real Change magazine—highlighting the disparities and strict parking enforcement people living in residential vehicles suffer from using provided data from Real Change. Designed intending to introduce the complex struggles vehicle residents face similar to a comic-strip; easy to understand with supporting graphics and illustrations.